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our story


Hi, it’s Jess here, the brains? Or should I say hands? behind The Holy Nail. I’ve been trying to work out how to sum up my brand in this space for you, looking over fancy graphics, slideshows and layouts when really all I want to do is speak from the heart. Because that’s where this brand comes from, the heart. Super cheesy right? Maybe, but grab a cuppa (or maybe a pornstar martini) and I’ll tell you a bit about my story and how The Holy Nail came about.

Back in 2012 to say I was lost would be a bit of an understatement. I had just left University and moved back to my home town without much of a clue what I would do next. I ended up starting an office job until I could figure out how to get into my chosen field. The months quickly became years of waiting for my next move. I was not feeling very satisfied with my life, I was just very confused, a feeling I’m sure many of us have experienced at some stage in their life. Don’t worry the story gets happier!


I stumbled across a blog post by thenailasaurus. It featured the most beautiful intricate nail art that I had ever seen, the level of artistry was unreal, I was completely hooked. I had to try this new world of nail art for myself and let me tell you, when I started... I sucked! But it didn’t take long for me to get the hang of it, probably because with every spare moment I had I was painting my nails with a new design, then 15 minutes later I wanted to do it all over again because I loved the design process. I would take a picture, remove the polish and start over on something new. At one point I was probably painting my nails 5 times a day!






It wasn’t long before I started my own nail art blog. I updated it every day and put my heart and soul into it, I started to feel passionate about something in my life again. My blog meant everything to me, I was exploring my creativity and even putting that Journalism course to use. The blog started to get viewers from all over the world, from countries I had never even heard of. People would leave such kind comments and I started to make some amazing friends through this nail art community. My colleagues and friends were increasingly telling me how much they loved my work and asking me to do their nails. With working the office job I didn't have the time to travel around and do everyone's nails so I had an idea. What if I could make their nails ahead of time, at home? They wouldn’t have to wait around for me to do their nails or for the paint to dry, they would be ready to apply straight away, they could have the detail of a manicure that would take hours in salon in seconds.
From this
The Holy Nail was born.



I opened my Etsy store and revealed my nails to the world, I cannot explain my excitement and pride when I made my first sale. Not to mention the lady left me a 5 star review and a special message telling me how much she loved them. This became my driver in life, I had direction and a purpose again. I kept adding new designs and challenged myself to learn new skills.



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I am always working on improving my skills and keeping up to date with the latest trends so I took the leap of leaving my job and returning to college to become a qualified nail technician. The course gave me so much confidence and I learned so many new techniques. Afterwards I took The Holy Nail on the road and attended trade shows throughout the summer with my false nails and offered nail treatments to the public whilst expanding my online stores.





I now spend every day making hand made false nails in my very own office full of gel polishes, nail crystals, decals and jewels (my dream come true) fully dedicated to The Holy Nail and it's amazing customers. I wake up feeling so grateful and lucky to have found something I am truly passionate about and have people that love my work. 

My customers have and always will be the most important thing to me, your satisfaction is extremely important to me and I feel I have proved that with my 100% positive feedback rating and consistent 5 star reviews across my platforms. My overriding desire to make you feel amazing and fabulous and how I got here is why I say that this business is built from my heart. I want to provide you with a product that blows you away and service that lets you know I truly care.

Each and every one of you is supporting my dream and for that I am so grateful.
Thank you. x

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